Operations needed to restore balance in the mouth

Oral or odontostomatological surgery is the branch of dentistry that covers a range of surgical procedures to be carried out inside the oral cavity. Surgery is needed to resolve a variety of different problems that cannot be treated medicinally or by other types of dental treatment.

The aim of surgery is top restore balance to the mouth, both esthetically and functionally.

Here are the main operations performed in our clinics:

  • tooth extraction
  • bone regeneration
  • removal of neoformations
  • frenulectomy
  • gum “plastic” surgery
  • periodontal treatment procedure
  • disinclusion of unerupted teeth
  • apicectomy (removal of the tip of the root of the tooth)


Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common operations. Wisdom teeth have little or no relevance either to chewing or to how we smile. So why do we have them?
The answer can be found in our ancestors’ early history. Wisdom teeth are a hereditary throwback to ancient hominids who needed them to survive on a diet of raw meat and tough foods. Only tough teeth and even stronger jaws could ensure survival.